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Sadra Yahyapour

Software Engineering Student

Open Source Contributor · Technical Writer · Machine Learning Enthusiast


# Projects

Here you can follow some of my open-source projects that I continuously work on and being actively maintained.

PyAction · GitHub Actions in Python

PyAction is a tool that enables you to create GitHub Actions using Python.

GitHub Actions Python Docker CI-CD

Hey! · AI Pair-programming Friend

A CLI-based AI assistant tool that is powered by ChatGPT and can interact with source code files.

OpenAI ChatGPT CLI Python

PasteMe · Modern-looking Pastebin

A RESTful Pastebin service that allows users to paste their code snippets using Python through their command-line interfaces.

Django Tailwind PythonAnywhere PlanetScale

As an open-source contributor, I always enjoyed the culture and mindset behind "Open Source". It's way further than just making
software tools and helping each other. It's about shaping the future and sharing knowledge with the next generations. 💪

# Education

Below, you'll discover a summary of my academic background and the positions I pursued in education.


Bachelor of Science in Computer Software Engineering

Shamsipour Technical & Vocational College - Iran, Tehran


Associate of Science in Computer Software Engineering

Enghelāb-e Eslāmi Technical College - Iran, Tehran

# Experience

Below, you'll find a concise overview of the positions I've held throughout my career.


MindsDB / San Francisco, United States (Remote)

GitHub / California, United States (Remote) / California, United States (Remote)

Dopely / California, United States (Remote)


Community and Open Source Maintainer

Campus Expert

Technical Writer

Python Back-end Developer


2023 - Now

2022 - Now

2023 - 2024

2022 - 2023